Optimist Sailing SA is open to all youth under the age of 16 years. The Optimist Sailing Dinghy is an internationally recognised one design single handed sailing craft. Most of the top dinghy sailors worldwide gained their experience in the Optimist sailing dinghy.
The www.optimist.org.za web site serves the South African Optimist Class Dinghy Sailing Association and the South African Optimist Dinghy Sailing Community in the following ways:
As an international, continental, national and regional (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Region and Western Cape) Optimist Dinghy Sailing news source, a repository of knowledge to serve the Optimist Dinghy Sailing Community in the years to come, an area where information on Optimist Dinghy Sailing can be found by people interested in taking up the sport of Optimist Dinghy Sailing and as a link to the worldwide Optimist Dinghy Sailing Community.
Please take your time and explore what we have to offer,submit international, national or local Optimist Dinghy Sailing news contributions, follow some of the Optimist Dinghy Sailing links displayed, comment on our Optimist Dinghy Sailing Articles, download our Optimist Dinghy Sailing Regatta Photographs and send Optimist Dinghy Sailing in South Africa your feedback and comments.
Contsitution of OptimistSailingSA
Optimist Class Racing Association of South Africa
The name of the Association is the Optimist Class Racing Association of South Africa (OCRA SA). OCRA is a non-profit making association.
The objectives of OCRA are:
2.1 To administer the South African Optimist Dinghy Class in accordance with ISAF and IODA requirements, and to see that class rules are observed.
2.1 To administer the South African Optimist Dinghy Class in accordance with ISAF and IODA requirements, and to see that class rules are observed.
2.2 To co-ordinate youth development sailing between provinces.
2.3 To establish conditions for the annual Optimist National Championships and determine the venue.
2.4 To establish conditions for selection events and set the venue.
2.5 Annually select teams to participate in IODA World and continental Championships.
2.6 To devise and execute programmes to increase the number of optimist sailors, particularly those from historically disadvantaged backgrounds.
3.1 Full members: Any Sailor who has registered his/her Optimist Dinghy with the Association can become a Full Member on payment of the prescribed annual fee. A member who has not paid the annual membership fee prior to the AGM may not vote and will cease to be a member until arrears are paid. In order to participate in regional, national and international events, Optimist sailors must be paid up members of OCRA.
3.2 Associate members: Associate membership is available to organizations and companies who wish to support the objectives of OCRA. Associate members shall have no vote. The terms and conditions of Associate membership shall be prescribed by the Executive from time to time.
For sources of income OCRA will rely upon annual subscription fees from its members, donations, sponsorships, sales and Investment income. Membership subscriptions are due on the first day of the financial year, unless a member is new to the class, in which case he/she must join and pay before entering their first regional event. Annual membership subscriptions shall be established at the Annual General Meeting.
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The organization of OCRA shall consist of the members, the Annual General Meeting, the Executive and the Secretariat.
The official language of the South African Optimist Class Racing Association will be English.
7.1 The Executive Committee shall comprise of the President and a Regional Representative for each SAS recognized sailing region, all of whom shall have one vote on the committee, and the non-voting positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Technical and Coaching representatives. Regional Representatives may fill the non-voting positions.
7.2 A quorum for an executive committee meeting shall consist of a minimum of the President and 3 voting members.
7.3 The President, Secretary and Treasurer and Technical and Coaching representatives shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting
7.4 The functions of the Executive committee are:
- To discuss and approve the sailing calendar
- To discuss and approve coaches and coaching events
- To discuss and approve regional and national regattas
- To discuss and approve technical and coaching sub- committee recommendations
- To ensure the continuity of the class - to discuss matters pertinent to the class
- To confirm participation in world and continental regattas
7.5 The President, Secretary, Treasurer, Technical Representative and Coaching
Representative shall retire at the Annual General Meeting.
The functions of the President are:
8.1 to act as the chairperson at all Executive Committee meetings
8.2 to represent the class at SAS
8.3 to manage the affairs of the Association
8.4 to present an annual report
8.5 to liaise with IODA
8.6 to ensure the adherence of class rules and constitutional matters
8.7 to promote the class locally, nationally and internationally
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9. Secretary
The functions of the Secretary are:
9.1 The Secretary shall keep proper minutes of all proceedings of the Annual General Meetings and the Executive Committee meetings.
9.2 The Secretary shall maintain a boat and sail register for all Optimists in RSA.
9.3 The Secretary shall keep all copies of boat plans available for copying for boat builders.
9.4 The Secretary shall be responsible for the distribution of Optimist information to members.
9.5 The Secretary shall distribute annual OCRA membership subscription forms to clubs to encourage membership.
9.6 The Secretary shall maintain the membership list.
9.7 The Secretary shall maintain the sailing calendar for the class.
The Associations financial year shall be 12 months ended 30 October.
The Associations accounts shall be audited by a competent person annually appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
The functions of the Treasurer are:
10.1 To draft an annual budget
10.2 To draft a budget for international events
10.3 To audit the finances relating to the participation of SA Sailors in international events 10.4 To maintain a cash book and make
10.5 To report all accounts and payments on a monthly basis to the OCRA Executive
10.6 To oversee the invoice and receipt of membership' subscriptions, sales of boat builder plans, sales of sail buttons and boat sales.
10.7 to control all fund-raising reconciliations. The annual accounts shall consist of a profit and loss account balance sheet and report and shall be prepared in accordance with sound accounting principles.
The annual financial report shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.
The residue of the net surplus shall be carried forward and applied in accordance with decisions reached by the Executive Committee.
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11.1 Each region shall be run by a Regional Committee.
11.2 The Regional Committee shall consist of representatives from interested clubs in the region, and local class members, and shall consist of not less than 4 members,
11.3 The Committee shall elect a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
11.4 The Chairman is the Regional representative for that region on the OCRA Executive.
11.5 South African OCRA Regions are to hold at least 2 meetings each year. One of these meetings must be held at least 6 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting of the class. This meeting must appoint the Regional representative and discuss and put forward any proposals for discussion at the Annual General meeting.
11.6 At regional meetings, four members shall constitute a quorum.
11.7 A Regional Representative shall not be re-elected for more than three years.
The Technical representative has the power to co-opt a sub-committee with a maximum of 5 members to:
12.1 Study and be familiar with the International Optimist Dinghy Class rules, plans and measurement forms.
12.2 Examine and proposals from members for amendments or interpretation.
12.3 Maintain close liaison with IODA and forward IODA recommendations to the Secretary.
12.4 Assist in the planning, and oversee the procedure for measurement during national, Provincial and Selection regattas.
12.5 Appoint and monitor authorized class measurers in the regions.
The Coaching representative has the power to co-opt a sub-committee with a maximum of 5 members to:
13.1 Ensure standard techniques are used in sailing training
13.2 Provide a forum for coaching in each region
13.3 To liaise with SAS regarding development sailing
13.4 Ensure that Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for OCRA authorized events are compliant with class rules and standards
13.5 Keep record of club and regional coaches and coaching clinics
13.6 Assist clubs in the formulation of coaching programmes
13.7 Nominate coaches for World and Continental events to the Executive Committee 13.8 Assist club, regional and national coaches in drafting material and organizing coaching events.
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14.1 The Annual General Meeting is the highest authority of OCRA
14.2 The AGM is formed by the official paid-up members present or the appointed proxy, 14.3 The AGM is held every year in conjunction with the optimist National Championships,
14.4 At least eight weeks prior to the start Annual General Meeting a notice of meeting will be sent to the Regional Representatives by the Secretary.
14.5 At least 3 weeks prior to the start of the Optimist National Championships an Agenda containing the following items will be distributed by the Secretary. AII proposals and nominations must be received prior to the distribution of the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting.
14.6 The Agenda shall contain the following items:
- Report from the President
- Regional reports from the Regional Representatives
- Reports from the Technical and Coaching Representatives
- Financial report from the Treasurer
- Fixing of next years membership subscription
- Proposals from the Executive Committee
- Proposals from the members
- Confirmation of the venue and dates for the next National Optimist Championships
- Provincial Racing calendar
- Report on IODA
- Report from International events attended
- Proposals for appointment of-
Technical Representative
Coaching Representative
- Election of an auditor
- General business
14.7 Proposals and accompanying motivations for the positions to be appointed must be received by the Secretary prior to the distribution of the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting.
14.8 Voting related to items on the Agenda is decided by simple majority of votes cast by paid-up members of the class or their representatives and by members or their representatives official proxies. A proxy shall be a signed authorization by a member and submitted 24 hours before the Annual General Meeting.
14.9 Each member or their representative or their official proxy has 1 (one) vote.
14.10 The president does not have a vote unless voting is equal, in which case the President has a casting vote.
14.11 A quorum shall consist of 1/5 of paid up full members of OCRA SA.
14.12 Amendments to the constitution shall require a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority of those present and eligible to vote.
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15.1 The President, Executive and the association of OCRA SA are not personally liable for the association's obligations.
15.2 The President and one Regional representative are authorized to sign on behalf of OCRA SA.
15.3 The Executive Committee may appoint other persons to sign on behalf of OCRA SA.
16.1 The decision to dissolve OCRA can only be made by a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority vote.
16.2 The decision to dissolve OCRA can only take place at an AGM.
16.3 In the event of the dissolution of OCRA, any residual funds are to be distributed to SAS.
Amendment Date 15 December 2004
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Contsitution is available here
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